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Dot Allison
Dulcet Voice

Dot Allison Dulcet Voice

Dot Allison Dulcet Voice

Crow Hill is proud to introduce you to the dulcet tones of award-nominated singer, song-writer and composer Dot Allison. Throughout her esteemed career she has been in huge demand by AAA artists, acts and composers as diverse as Massive Attack, Paul Weller, and Scott Walker to lend her “voice like honey” not only in song but as an instrument of its very own. Here now for the first time is a unique opportunity to add this rare voice to your palette.
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"In the making of my own solo albums, I’ve described the use of my voice as an instrument, like a flute or a violin, where I can sing plaintive textural lines, absent of lyrics, creating harmonic layers to then deconstruct and process in order to create dissonant clusters, sweeping washes, loops, and rhythmic motifs... often creating percussive patterns even from just a breath... I wanted to create an instrument to share with the Crow Hill Company composer community."


Dulcet Moon

Dot Allison


Theo Le Derf


Christian Henson

Mele-tone Remixed

Christian Henson
Dot’s critically acclaimed 6th and 7th albums, Heart-Shaped Scars and Consciousology were tracked and mixed at Castle Sound Studios, Edinburgh. Home in previous epochs to a key formative influence of Allison’s; The Blue Nile. Crow Hill encouraged Dot to return to where the magic was made to make more magic for this rare collection of vocal samples.
Whilst coming from a musical background entering electronica Dot by and large eschews computerisation in favour of acoustic instruments, free flowing vocal expression and the use of analogue vintage synthesis to augment her work. Her process of making music is an intuitive click-free stream of contrapuntal musical threads that create her unique musical tapestries.


Dot's unique voice can be heard in numerous acclaimed film and television soundtracks featuring in both composed score, featured artist and 'needle-drop' source music from Dot's own recording catalogue.





I Care A Lot



Crow Hill was cautious to not just create a aaah, ooooh, and mmmm library. But instead work intensly with Dot to bring us all into her world, approach to making music and use of a voice as an instrument like no other. From the articulations sung to the GUI design and functionality Dot has fully curated this project to give you a true representation of her sonic aesthetic.
Refrains Sparse
Cascading Phrases
Flowing Fast
Synth Voices


A key ingredient of subversive film scores of the counter-culture era.
What zeitgeist elements unify a violent cop caper, murder suspense thriller, murder suspense thriller and chilling horror film from the late sixties/early seventies? Well its the use of softly sung solitary female voices. Not in song, but just the pure innocent tone as an instrument. These scores became key influences on Dot’s work as a composer are
three seemingly unconnected edgy noir-ish films from the heyday of maverick film-making in the counter-culture era. But also an era where scores branched away from established musical tropes, experimenting with use of hyper-realistic instruments and effects, electronics, jazz, funk and non ‘western’ instrumentation.​
Lalo Schifrin’s era-defining score for Don Siegal’s hyper masculine DIRTY HARRY offset this story of violence and pursuit with the ghostly tones of a distant solitary female vocal.
Part of Alan J Pakula’s seminal “paranoia trilogy” KLUTE has a standout score by Michael Small. That mixes use of microtonal marimbas combined with an eerie female vocal to add to the sense of confusion.
Of all of the films of this era Polanski’s ROSEMARY’S BABY enjoys the most famous use of female vocals. Sung by the lead Mia Farrow, a lyricless lullaby that chills you to the bone from the outset.


About Dot Allison

Since her first album , Dot Allison has strived to keep the listener on a journey. Working with some of the greats like Scott Walker, Hal David, Paul Weller, Massive Attack, Hannah Peel, The London Contemporary Orchestra, Anton Newcombe, and many more. Dot’s dulcet voice has appeared on multiple Hollywood films and has been widely synched to TV shows internationally.
Check out Dot's



Supported Plug-In Formats:
  • AU, VST3, VST, AAX
Operating System Compatibility:
  • macOS Big Sur (11) through to Sonoma (14.x) (Apple Silicon and Intel compatible)
  • Windows 10 through to Windows 11
Recommended Minimum Requirements:
  • 4 GB or more of RAM High-Speed Internet Connection
  • Up to 3 GB of free disk space
  • SSD (if installing to an external drive)
  • 10 included palettes of sound
  • 5 Vowel types (Ah, Ih, Ee, Oh, Oo)
  • Bonus Vocal Sound Design Synths
  • Gesture-based phrases with key shifting
  • Perfectly curated vocal chain captured at the infamous Castle Sound Studios
  • Full effects suite featuring dual algorithmic Reverbs, modulated Delay and cascading Granular re synthesis
  • Single dial processing tools including, EQ, Bus Compression & Frequency Shifter
  • NKS Coming Soon

Audio Files: 934 audio files
Uncompressed: 2.5 GB
Compressed: 1.5 GB

Download your Dot Allison ‘Dulcet Voice’ PRODUCT MANUAL



A collection of Crow Hill assets and graphics designed for you to use in your own content.

Demon Drop #001 – Circuit Drums




Small String Gestures




The Vertical Piano




Limited Time
Intro Price